10 Carry On Essentials for Long Flights Survival (Toiletries & More)

Girl sitting on window seat on an airplane looking out - find out the most essential carry on items for your flight so you can look as happy as this girl!

Need a list of the top carry on essentials for long flights?

Picture this: have you ever been sitting on the plane, reach for something in your bag only to realize that you didn’t actually bring it?

I’d be willing to bet there are fewer situations that feel worse than this. Because you’re stuck on the plane for probably another 3 hours. And if you can’t buy it for a markup of 50% on the plane, you’re out of luck.

From personal experience, as well as a few recommendations that others swear by, here’s a list you can depend on for some key carry on items you should make sure you have with you before you travel next.

Girl staring out the window on the aisle seat of a plane (probably wondering why she didn't pack these carry on essentials for her flight)

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Carry On Essentials for Long Flights: Must Haves

So what things should you absolutely bring onboard with you for long flights as a traveler? Here’s my quick guide to what you absolutely need to bring so you don’t have to sit and regret the whole flight.

1. Jacket or Blanket 

Because let’s face it, sometimes it’s burning up and sometimes it feels like you’re sitting in the North Pole and those tiny, blue blankets just don’t cut it.

I also personally like having a hoodie for sleeping on the plane because I feel like nobody bothers you if they see you are intentionally throwing up a hood. It also blocks out your surroundings and the light if those bother you.

2. Moisturizer and Chapstick Combo 

I’m not sure if this is true (okay, probably not) or if I’m being dramatic, but it feels like they suck out all of the moisture from the air as soon as I step on a plane.

I’ve been in the unfortunate scenario of having chapped lips on the flight and having absolutely no chapstick. Cue a very unhappy flight. Ditto for a super creamy moisturizer.

3. Snacks and Water

There are a couple of airlines that are great at making sure passengers get some kind of food or snack every hour or so but some just don’t. Be sure to bring food in the case that any delays occur in the air or if you’re sitting on the runway for an extra hour waiting to take off or get to the gate.

But don’t be that person who brings something that the entire plane gets to smell. Seriously, please don’t.

Girl with headphones - a popular carry on essential for long flights

4. Headphones

Seriously, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten my headphones for a flight. These are probably my most memorably boring flights where the time has dragged on and on. Now I think I equate headphones to making sure I have my license/passport for the airport.

If you can afford some of the higher priced noise canceling headphones, I definitely recommend those in case of loud neighbors (or babies crying).

For the more affordable pair of wireless headphones, check these out – budget worthy but sleek and perfect for traveling. I just bought myself a pair recently, and I’m loving them!

5. Hand Sanitizer 

There are a lot of people and a lot of germs. Enough said.

6. Battery Pack For Your Phone / Charger

If you rely on your phone for any part of traveling or for your source of entertainment on the plane, you’ll be really bummed out if your phone dies.

Maybe you’re one of the select few who has found those hidden “USBs or Outlets” on the plane, but I haven’t felt fortunate enough to have actually seen these on a plane.

Find out how you can prevent your phone from dying. with a portable charger that’s ready and charged up before your flight or general traveling.

7. Gum or “EarPlanes”

For anybody who experiences the “popping” sensation that often accompanies flying, you probably know it can feel pretty uncomfortable.

To fight the discomfort, I’d recommend having something to chew on, like gum.

If you have the painful discomfort that can occur with pressure in your ears from flying (like me), you might need something more.

I’ve used a brand called EarPlanes for as long as I can remember as I’ve always experienced ear pain when flying. These are little earplugs that you put in your ears that restrict airflow to your ears and hopefully ease or block the pain altogether. It’s not always perfect, but it’s definitely helped me through the years!

8. Advil/Tylenol

You really never know when a headache might hit, so it’s better to be safe than sorry here. Even worse than #2 listed above where you don’t have chapstick or moisturizer, is if you have a headache and have no Advil or Tylenol to ease that pain.

9. Something to Entertain

Girl reading a book - one of the best and easiest essentials for a carry on item on a flight

Sometimes the flight seems like a long, drawn-out period of time. You’ll need to have something to keep you entertained for the duration of the flight.

For entertainment, I’d recommend having an Audible book, a Podcast, a couple of Netflix episodes downloaded, or to have a physical copy of a book/magazine.

10. Eye Mask

Need to sleep on the plane but distracted by your surroundings or need to block out the light? An eye mask will change the game. You’ll be well rested in no time and you can go ahead and just pretend you’re sound asleep and comfortable in your own bed at home.

Wrap Up: Carry On Essentials for Long Flights

Plane rides can either be an enjoyable experience or a long, unforgettably awful experience if you don’t come prepared. These are some of the best things you can have on the plane with you to make this part of traveling more convenient and far less stressful.

What are the things you can’t live without on the airplane? Ever forgotten one of these carry on essentials and regretted it?

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